“First, let me just say there is no room in the Republican party for antisemitism or white supremacy and anyone meeting with people advocating that point of view, in my judgment, are highly unlikely to ever be elected President of The United States”. – Mitch McConnell

Not exactly, there is no longer a Republican or Democrap party, it's one big uni-party. With no room for Mitch McConnell.

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Richard The Saint

I was excited to listen to this... will have to do the hard work of moving eyeballs myself :). Always a treat to get a RTS piece, xmas came early. Thanks and good wishes to all. Aaaaand....I may be back w some questions after reading....

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Richard The Saint

Enjoyed the update. Good to know you’re still in the fight and doing well.

As you have previously observed, it can be helpful to have created an overarching thesis and watch events supporting the thesis unfold.

One is spared thereby from having to post frequent bulletins because the way forward has already been illuminated.

It continues to be most enjoyable to watch and hear the enemy’s hackneyed refrain “Trump is finally done” ebb and flow like the tide.

Each time their empty “sure fire evidence” melts into ether and it’s on to the next wild goose chase.

This week we have “Trump empire found criminally guilty” of tax fraud, quickly followed by the msm minstrel show singing that the J6 clown car will refer Trump for criminal charges to the DoJ.

Unfortunately for the Biden Potemkin Village, Trump has a pretty competent lawyer in Alina Habba, who told Newsmax last night that “Trump is laughing at all of them”.

She didn’t (and needn’t) explain further, because it’s obvious that the globalist communist crime syndicate

is doing exactly what the master strategist tricked them into doing years ago.

Of course he’s laughing at them.

While I completely agree with you that he’s not going to be overtly America’s “Batman” like savior, he sure as heck has implemented all the necessary external events necessary for America to be saved.

Yes we must be involved civically, assiduously do what all good citizens do, work tirelessly ourselves or support those who do.

But also take time to enjoy watching the very people who want us dead roast slowly, inexorably and unendingly, in preparation for that final meal which a revitalized America will be serving not long from now, and serving it cold.

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Thank you again RTS. As usual, you take us to the brass tacks. Some of us may find it inconvenient or too long a process, but historically the quicker solutions DO NOT do what We The People require. The eradication of the Evil Global Communist Cabal and all its intertwined tentacles WILL HAPPEN, but this time we will be left more vigilant and more focused on protecting our liberties, and their ability to control and dominate us will be rendered impotent.

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Also , I agree. I really wanted to listen to the article as I drive but unfortunately there must of been a glitch !

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Thank you RTS, your writing is so clearly understandable, to the point and doesn’t leave out the details!

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The timeline was insightful. Thank you.

DJT's speech did have to be listened to through the correct lens. He told us that the fight is NOW - in front of us. And We The People are the ones to save our country. He's going to do everything he can but cannot be single-handedly responsible.

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I’ve missed you greatly!! 🤗🤗 I can’t find you on truth & where are you on telegram?! It took me a week to even think about commenting on here🤣🤣 You still have the ability to make me instantly smile !! Thank you ❤️

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Hey RtheS, not sure if you even remember me (Karen E/moronmomma) I wanted to bring this to your attn. I’m damn near sure you already know about it, but just in case....ps - it reminded me immediately of the iP addresses ‘missing’ at end of Trump’s term, Oracle. the perfect phone call, etc. I’ll post an interview, but you can just go to ericssonreport.com, or michael’ twat company. I miss you my Friend❤️🤗 https://twitter.com/Vltra_MK/status/1615142078731948032?s=20&t=CcDsFOrnyjs2cBNUUtBXEw

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Where are you? Sure hope you are ok. Love your work. Prayers for you.

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Unfollowed you. Found out some things.

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